Looking for a great way to raise significant funds for your organization? We can help with our DOLLARS & SCENTS Fundraising Program!
HOW IT WORKS: Purchase a bulk batch of at least 24 candles at a deeply discounted rate to sell at your gala, event, booth, website, etc., and keep all of the profit for your organization!
HOW IT WORKS: Purchase a bulk batch of at least 24 candles at a deeply discounted rate to sell at your gala, event, booth, website, etc., and keep all of the profit for your organization!
OPTIONS: Choose up to four fragrances (or go with our Best Sellers!) and select from our Lit&Co. branded:
Standard 9oz Glass w/Silver Lid - $11.50 each***, min 24. Sell for $19 or more and make $7.50+ per candle!
8oz Travel Tin - $8.50 each***, min 24. Sell for $15 or more and make $6.50+ per candle!
***Pricing is for local pick up in Boise, Idaho. Need a batch shipped? Add $2 per unit!***
Interested? Please email with the following information:
- Your name:
- Organization's Name:
- Organization's Location:
- Contact email address:
- TaxID Number:
- Candle Option + Quantity:
- Date Needed:
We look forward to fundraising with you!